• I have been a professional photojournalist since 1996, telling stories through photos and words. What's your photo story?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Todd and Tamara

I scouted locations for Todd and Tamara's wedding photos months before their big day, but didn't find anything that I felt was good enough for them. It was important to have "wow-worthy" spots to reflect all the time and effort put into their wedding planning. The location also had to be close to Tudor Hall or St. Mary's Church so that their little man could get in the family photos, then be whisked away for naptime.

Finally, a week before the marriage date, the perfect spot presented itself. Mere blocks from the church, and possessing the most exquisite light and greenery in the midst of a drought. Check out the last photo of this post, where Todd and Tamara are nestled under the huge, old tree - definitely "wow-worthy" of this beautiful couple on their beautiful day.